
Smart Supply 24x7 Logistics SupplyConditions Monitoring

Innovate, Incubate, Industrialize

Temperature increase, humidity or water leakage threaten inventories during storage and transportation

  • Real-time warehouse storage conditions monitoring on multiple locations and across whole logistics chain
  • Preventive maintenance and cost avoidance: Advanced analytical services and Machine Learning algorithms
  • Sensing: Temperature, Humidity, Light, Motion, Water Leak, Access (door open/close) and external weather conditions
  • Secured cloud solution with mobile application for 24/7 monitoring of storage conditions
  • Custom dashboards and reporting

We help you to mitigate these risks, ensuring the quality and long-term value of your products across your logistics and supply chain.

Supply Chain solution delivers timely and accurate information to protect stored and transported commodities - advanced analytic and AI systems identify issues and enable preventive intervention before any degradation occurs.

Our freight module allows continuous monitoring of your goods in transport with georeferencing feature enabling to pin-point the problem across the whole supply chain and solve the issue of your damaged goods.



From idea validation and designing the customer journey to solution testing and piloting and managing the successful scaling, we provide comprehensive IoT service design portfolio. Our team of experts employs design thinking and value proposition design methodologies to ensure that every aspect of the solution is aligned with the customers' needs and expectations.
